{Easter Tips} Hearty pesto wreaths with "colored" egg. My fast-baked bun nests for brunch, Easter bunny milk and pretty instant eggs.
Contains promotion of Easter Bunny Milk
Hey, you crisp easter bunnies! Today I have three delicious tips for an uncomplicated and relaxed Easter breakfast. You definitely deserve that. Let's start:
We start right through with the freshly baked pesto-yeast-balls with colorful (or alternatively black and white) egg . Hmmm! The fluffy yeast dough classic gets with a spoonful of pesto and chopped parsley a great hearty twist and delicious green herb missed. The hearty yeast balls are totally easy to prepare and are also great for baking beginners (I'm the best living proof - if I can handle this back-dyslexic, that can really be anyone, isso.)
And do not worry: to pamper your loved ones with oven-warm, wonderfully scented Easter biscuits, you do not have to use your quilt bed at dawn. The yeast dough is mixed with the hand mixer the evening before in a few minutes and then allowed to "go" overnight in the refrigerator. The next morning you quickly form four circles from the dough and push them into the still cold oven. While you enjoy your first cup of coffee and enjoy a few minutes of silence, the pesto yeast buns bake fresh and brown in 20 minutes. That's at least as fast as rolls from the tin. And the scent of fresh yeast pastry, which then moves through the apartment, is priceless and certainly lures the rest of the spoiled family pretty quickly to the table. The savory bread nests taste great with - well - boiled or waxy eggs, cream cheese, salmon, crab salad or just some butter. As always, the recipe is down below.
So that the breakfast table is appropriately decorated with peasants, my friends of the Weihenstephan Dairy have come up with something really funny this year: the Easter Milk Edition with cute rabbits and Easter eggs from fresh Milk on the tetra packs. The Easter Bunny Milk in the pretty packs is a limited edition and will be available in the refrigerated counters from now until Easter. So - hop on and discover the funny milk edition for your breakfast table! The kids will definitely love this.
Speaking of Kids: My Ki (n) d is now a teenager. And that means that the time of the common funny egg dyeing is over. To be completely honest, the whole thing was never as harmonious as in the picture book (or TV commercial) anyway. For the past 13 years, as a good mother, I have provided every child-friendly egg color available on the market. Calles for brushes, egg turners, glitter, stickers, shaker cups ... what do I know. Often, however, the child did not find the egg painting quite as exciting as I had painted it out in a dazzling way every year. Mostly, after a half-colored egg, the attention of Perdu and the Lego was decidedly more interesting. Optionally, there was a moody addition a little blurred color on the half-finished egg and a juicy nervous breakdown in the offspring. Well.
Since this common egg painting is history now, I'm starting to paint my eggs the way i like them the most. And this year, I really like the minimalist look of Easter eggs.Incidentally, you can do that just fine when the edible roll nests already bake in the oven. Just as a tip for all other non-picture-book mothers. You know.
Have it tasty and hoppeldipoppel! ღ
The recipe for hearty pesto wreaths with colorful eggs for Easter brunch
140 ml of milk and 1 tbsp of sugar
10 g of fresh yeast (about 1/4 cube)
250 g of flour plus more to work on
1/2 teaspoon salt and 1 pinch of black pepper
50 g of pesto (home-made or a good one from the glass)
2 tablespoons of finely chopped smooth parsley
1 Egg size M, field or organic
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 egg yolk, whipped
4 colorful (or black and white) easter eggs
Heat the milk in a small saucepan (so that you can still hold a finger in it). Dissolve the sugar in the milk and then crumble the yeast into it. Stir gently until the yeast is dissolved and slightly frothy.
Mix the flour in a bowl with salt and pepper. Add the yeast milk, pesto, parsley, olive oil and whole egg to the flour and knead thoroughly with the hooks of a hand mixer (or alternatively with your hands) for 5 minutes.
Cover the dough in the bowl with a clean dishcloth and let it rest in a warm place for 1 hour. Alternatively put the dough covered in the refrigerator and let it rise overnight.
When the dough has gone out, dust the work surface or a large board with flour, sprinkle the dough on top with knead briefly with floured hands. Divide the dough into eight pieces of the same size and shape into 20 cm long rolls. Turn two rolls around each other like a drawstring, put them in a circle and press the ends together. If the dough is sticky, simply dust with some flour to work.
Place the yeast balls on a tray lined with wrapping paper, press them evenly round with both hands and possibly make the hole in the center clearer. Spread the yeast wraps liberally with the whisked egg yolk.
Bake the pesto wreaths in a preheated oven at 170 degrees top/bottom heat for 20-25 minutes.
Alternatively, when the dough has gone in the fridge is: Push the yeast rings into the still cold oven, then set to 170 degrees top/bottom heat. When the baking temperature is reached, bake in approx. 20 minutes.
Take the finished yeast wreaths out of the oven and let them cool on a screen until lukewarm. Put a colorful Easter egg or soft waxy boiled egg in the middle and serve the wonderfully fluffy, fragrant pastry.
Three Easter bunnies are hiding in this picture. Do you all find them?